From 28 degrees to 2 in one day! The snow has come out to play with the cherry blossom in a rare April duet and the rain has drenched the earth. The cats and we have been in hiding and whilst the art and blog worlds seem to have been spinning around our wet orbit....
I'm afraid the cork is being popped and Cara Dillon is singing an hour early to celebrate the following:
Julian finally gave in to his urge to buy a Duane Keiser original 'painting a day' and Duane (yes the real thing!) wrote back offering to trade this for this so we will always have something to remember the inspirational seeds of A Postcard from Provence by.
....and, This man whom the BBC were looking for has been adopted by our dear friends George and Christine and is on his way to their guest house in Montecito. We shall have to make regular visits to see him, I fear. I am sure he will be very happy, especially as he will have his own pool.
The 'gallery/studio' at Crillon is feeling more and more distant and I can feel Julian simply does not want to go there. He is quite fine pottering around my room-to-be (his temporary studio) doing his little gems. And I more than fine having him here. We find even the thought of paying the rent to Michelle with her officious black book, as opposed to the afternoons spent drinking her mother's vin de noix (in which cash got somehow handed between trusting hands) terrifying. I'm not sure how or when Julian is going to make the transition from there - where he has two commissioned set ups still waiting to be finished with all the mouldy cheese and pomegranates that entails - to here - on whose cannabis floor his happy and, I think, successful future as an artist lies - fully. Each day he is not at Crillon I am painfully aware of what the sandy headed absence is costing us and sometimes it ties knots in my stomach. However, on days like today the transition - messy and somewhat wasteful like transitions always are - seems possible and even smooth. It is certainly very exciting!
Thanks to all of you who have been so supportive, especially Louise, Fay, Steve, Christine, Duane, Oiseau, Margaret, Gary, Sally, Dale, Bob, Harriet, and all the strangers who have welcomed postcards from provence into their homes.
You have, each one of you, bought us closer to our dream.
it's an utter pleasure to be part of the dream babes!
Loved your blog about beans!
This weather has been crazy! I turned the heat on this weekend and now I'm sweating in my apartment. I hope Spring is here to stay...
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